It is an increase in heart rate owing to increased sympathetic activity. The heart rate greater than 100/min is considered as tachycardia in adults whereas in infants, toddlers (1 to 3), preschool (4 to 5), and school going are more than 180, 140, 120, and 118 per min respectively. It can be a normal phenomenon or can be due to some pathological rationales. The causes and the management of the disease have been illustrated below.


  • Can be a normal phenomenon
  • Anxiety
  • Fever
  • Anaemia
  • Heart failure thyrotoxicosis
  • Phaeochromocytoma
  • Drugs (beta agonist)

Diagnosis and management

The heart rate greater than 100/min in adults and more than 180,140,120 and 118 as describes above in children is considered as sinus tachycardia. The patients with no pathological cause don’t require any treatment whereas the others are treated with the settlement of underlying cause.  

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